birth flower birthday cards by lottie murphy

Birth flower month guide: Discover the meaning of yours

Everyone seems to know their birthstone or zodiac sign, but do you know your birth flower? Each month of the year is associated with different flowers, holding meaning and symbolism, often reflecting the characteristics of the person born in that month.

The History of Birth Flowers 

The origin of birth flowers dates back to Ancient Roman times, when flowers were assigned to different months of the year to be used as gifts and decoration, bringing luck and protection in the month that they bloomed. 

Why are there 2 birth flowers per month?

As the tradition has evolved over time, different regions and cultures have adopted their own symbolism, with varying climates dictating which one is in bloom. Therefore having two flowers per month allows you to choose a flower that resonates with the person most, making it the perfect choice for a Birthday card.

Researching and illustrating flowers for our latest floral Birthday card collection inspired me to dig a little deeper into the way flowers could be used to make sending Birthday cards more personal, while reflecting on the cultural significance of this lovely tradition. Explore my birth flower guide below to find yours, or the one that represents your nearest and dearest.

January’s Birth Flower - Carnation and Snowdrop

Some of the few flowers that thrive in Winter, January’s birth flowers are carnation and snowdrop. Used by ancient Greeks for ceremonial occasions, they're commonly seen in shades of pink and red symbolising love and devotion, although different colours have different meanings. Associated with the Greek Goddess Persephone (Queen of the underworld), snowdrops symbolise hope and new beginnings, signalling that Spring is on its way. Those born in January are likely to be passionate and extremely loyal with family and friends at the heart of everything.

February’s Birth Flower - Violet & Iris

Much like February’s birth stone amethyst, violet colours are also popular in February's birth flowers - violet and iris. Although not the expected rose sent on Valentine's Day, the heart shaped petals of violets were used in Ancient Greek times for love potions, amongst having medicinal purposes. They symbolise faithfulness, modesty and everlasting love. With three hundred species available, iris means rainbow in Greek mythology linking heaven and earth, symbolising wisdom and courage. Honest, wise and humble are all qualities often seen in those born in February.

iris birthday card by lottie murphy

March’s Birth Flower - Daffodil and Jonquil 

It’s no surprise that March’s birth flowers are daffodil and jonquil. Typically blooming on the first day of Spring, daffodils symbolise rebirth and new beginnings, commonly seen in white, yellow and orange. Always gift a bunch, a single stem is said to be bad luck! Jonquil is actually a type of daffodil, with similar symbolic meaning. Those born in March are said to be optimistic and cheerful - someone to brighten up your day.

April’s Birth Flower - Daisy & Sweet Pea

April's birth flowers are daisy and sweet pea. Commonly thought of popping up in the grass, daisies are said to be one of the oldest flowers on earth symbolising friendship, innocence, purity and fertility. Whilst pretty, delicate and softly colourful, sweet peas are often grown for their heavenly scent, symbolising pleasure and gratitude making a lovely bunch to gift. These pretty Spring flowers are said to represent those of a kind and loyal nature.

sweet pea birthday card by lottie murphy

May’s Birth Flower - Lily of the Valley and Hawthorn

Known for their sweet scent, May's birth flowers are lily of the valley and hawthorn. A popular flower in bridal bouquets, lily of the valley is known to represent purity, sweetness and the return of happiness. Hawthorn blossoms in May scenting British hedgerows with pink, white and red flowers, symbolising hope, happiness and the optimism that this month brings. Gentle with a loving nature are qualities that often represent those born in May.

June’s Birth Flower - Rose & Honeysuckle

Both scene in pretty shades of pink, June's birth flowers are rose and honeysuckle. One of the most popular flowers, the symbolism of a rose varies, although since Ancient Greek and Roman times they have been essentially identified with love. Beautifully scented likes roses, honeysuckle was used in Chinese medicine and can be found all over the world. It also symbolises love and the connection between people, therefore those born in June are likely to be romantic and passionate.

rose birthday card by lottie murphy

July’s Birth Flower - Delphinium and Water Lily

July's Birth flowers are delphinium and water lily. Known to be a British classic, the name delphinium comes from the Greek word 'delphis' meaning dolphin, reflecting the unique shape of the flower's bulb. These striking tall flowers are said to symbolise positivity and celebration. Thriving in water, water lilies were named after a Greek nymph symbolising purity, renewal, peace and balance. Happy, cheerful with a loving nature are qualities said to be represented in those born in July.

delphinium birthday card by lottie murphy

August’s Birth Flower - Gladiolus and Poppy

Very popular in late summer months, gladiolus and poppy are the birth flowers of August. Dating back to Ancient Greek and Roman times, the symbolism of poppies vary per colour although in general, they symbolise imagination. Gladiolus were named after the Latin word 'Gladius' meaning sword, representing their pointy shape. Used in Ancient Roman times to celebrate a gladiator's win, they symbolise strength, victory and honesty. Those born in August are said to be strong, resilient and independent.


icelandic poppy birthday card by lottie murphy

September’s Birth Flower - Morning Glory and Aster

Morning glory and aster are the birth flowers of September. Named after the Greek word for 'star' due to their shape, Asters are a traditional 20th wedding anniversary gift symbolising love, wisdom, faith. Morning glory has long been used for medicinal purposes, symbolising love, affection and the fleeting beauty of life. Wise, faithful, emotive and intellectual are qualities often seen in those born in September.

October’s Birth Flower - Marigold and Cosmos

Bringing colour to Autumn, marigold and cosmos are October's birth flowers. Seen in autumnal shades of orange, gold and red, marigolds symbolise stubbornness due to their sturdy nature but also creativity, warmth and the beauty of the sun due to their striking colour. Producing delicate daisy like flowers known for their healing properties, cosmos symbolise balance, harmony and tranquillity. Passionate, creative and those with equilibrium and inner peace are all qualities seen in those born in October.

November’s Birth Flower - Chrysanthemum and Peony

Chrysanthemum and peony are the birth flowers of November. A national symbol of China, chrysanthemums have varying meanings but in general symbolise loyalty, friendship and joy. Like their petals, peonies are said to have layers of meaning although generally they represent prosperity, romance and hope, commonly seen to celebrate weddings. Those born in November are said to have a warm and passionate nature.

peony birthday card by lottie murphy

December’s Birth Flower - Holly and Narcissus

It’s no surprise that December's birth flowers are holly and narcissus. Although technically not a flower, holly is one of Britain's favourite festive plants and has been used to decorate the home for centuries at Christmas time. It symbolises good fortune, goodwill, peace and happiness. Related to the daffodil, narcissus, also known as paper whites, symbolise hope and good fortune, reflecting the optimism and fresh start that December brings. Those born in December are likely to have a joyful and optimistic nature, reflecting the good spirit of this festive month.

In conclusion

Aside from discovering the symbolism of the flowers that represent your own birth month, they are great for adding an extra layer of meaning to your Birthday wishes, making the wonderful tradition of celebrating Birthdays a little more personal. Whether in reality or through Birthday cards, flowers are a sure way to bring joy and happiness to any celebration or gift-giving occasion.

Browse our floral greetings card collection to spot their birth flower.

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